How Audio-to-text Tools Can Help Your Business

As we speak, technology keeps evolving.

In this matter, the audio-to-speech technology, if used strategically, can help businesses achieve greatness.

Audio-to-text tools deploy artificial intelligence (AI) in order to interpret, process, and respond to a human voice.

For instance, consumers can ask a question verbally instead of typing it, and the audio-to-text software would translate the spoken speech into written words.

Remember, technology can determine the efficiency of how you communicate with your target audience. And there’s little doubt regarding the importance of communication in the business world.

audio-to-text tools are meant to streamline your business communication process.

Over the last few years, the volume of global voice searches has increased dramatically.

Research states 41% adults use voice search at least once per day.

The numbers are expected to further rise over the coming years.

Then, what does this mean for businesses? We will find out in this article.

How audio-to-text tools can help your business

The unprecedented rise in the popularity of voice searches has altered the way web content is developed and organized.

It’s worth noting that there is a difference in the way we speak and write. As a result, keyword searches for voice queries are formatted differently.

Continue reading below to know the top advantages of voice-to-text tools that businesses should be aware of.

1. Keep a track of what’s being discussed in internal meets

Internal meetings are an inevitable element of any company’s operations. These sessions are generally content-heavy.

A 30-minute meeting can lead to the dissemination of valuable information.

However, it often becomes impossible to write down all of the important stuff while simultaneously listening to what the speaker has to say. If not paid enough attention, something is bound to be overlooked entirely while taking manual notes.

Specialized audio-to-text tools, such as Happy Scribe’s auto subtitle generator can prove extremely beneficial.

With these audio-to-text tools, you may capture all the important action plans and ideas presented at your company’s internal meetings.

All you need to do is hit the record button and the software will take care of the rest. You can afterward convert the audio file to relevant text and get access to the complete summary of your meeting.

2. Recording corporate events

For most firms, corporate events and conferences are a must-do activity. They facilitate business growth and provide some great networking opportunities.

In most cases, certain events and conferences take place during busy business cycles.

It is also possible for such conferences to be organized in a different country. This means that most of your target customers won’t be able to attend the event.

Furthermore, many conferences feature concurrent events, forcing spectators to pick between one speaker over another.

The biggest disadvantage of such a choice is that people end up missing out on valuable information.

With audio to speech software, your company can ensure that the key information and insights of your events and conferences are captured.

You can deploy audio-to-text tools to record and transcribe the keynote speeches and important roundtable discussions. This form of audio content can prove to be a terrific value addition for your clients who couldn’t attend the event.

Also, you can utilize such voice tools to generate future marketing material and hand over the content to the press for the purpose of news coverage.

Simply put, providing transcripts of your conferences and events can promote the notion that your organization is an industry expert that never fails to deliver key insights.

3. Make your video content more accessible

There’s no denying the fact that video content is ruling the internet these days. Everywhere we see, there’s a boom in terms of video content production. Even businesses are using videos to convey their message to their target audience and potential market.

If you have not already, consider adding video to your digital marketing mix. You can read the tips to improve branding through videos, but for now, let’s focus on the importance of adding subtitles to your video content. When it comes to video content, there’s a common problem most businesses face, sometimes without even knowing it.

Many businesses do not focus on providing subtitles and captions in their videos content. As a result, a significant portion of their potential audience is unable to interpret the content. Consequently, companies miss out on an engagement opportunity.

A lot of people watch video content on their smartphones without sound. This might be due to hearing impairment or being in an unsuitable setting.

In order to connect with this particular section of the audience, adding subtitles and captions to your video content is absolutely crucial.

Not only do subtitles allow viewers to access your video content, but it has also been found that subtitles or captions can improve watch time by approximately 12%. That’s a lot of engagement opportunities that organizations leave on the table by not deploying audio-to-text technology.

Also, it is a given that adding subtitles to videos manually can take a long time. Using audio-to-text transcription tools can take away your pain and improve your content’s accessibility.

4. Exchange of information without compromising productivity

Many organizations find it necessary to document every detail of their day-to-day operations.

At the same time, noting everything down manually can lead to less productivity, as manual tasks can lead you to lose focus on your board duties and responsibilities.

You need to decide whether you should spend your valuable time composing these reports or should deploy audio-to-text tools to take care of the task on your behalf.

Utilizing audio-to-text software ensures that not only your productivity remains constant, but also the most relevant information is documented without any human error.

5. Streamline market research

Today, most businesses are heavily relying on market research to get a better understanding of their customers’ demands, preferences, and dislikes. This information can be gathered in a variety of ways, including focus group sessions and one-on-one surveys.

You would probably agree with the fact that it is crucial to record your target market’s conversations and analyze the same. This is where audio-to-text transcription can prove to be extremely useful.

Understandably, it takes a long time to re-listen to hours of customer interactions.

However, on the contrary, scanning a written document can be a much faster way to keep a track of important discussion points.

That’s not all, as you can save time in the future because the data you are looking for has already been typed out.

Technically put, using audio-to-text software can make it easier for you to aggregate key information and create detailed reports for future reference. This, in turn, can help you make better business decisions that would lead to improved customer satisfaction.

6. Record your press briefings and generate worthy content

If your organization regularly hosts press conferences, deploying audio-to-text software might be the best decision you can make today. You can use the software for recording press conferences, just like internal meetings.

Later, you can transcribe the audio and put a light on everything that was stated by the speaker.

Furthermore, you can use the information gathered through the software to write a detailed report for senior management. You can also use it as a reference to keep track of the comments being made. Such records can prove to be helpful during cases of disagreement.

Also, it is possible that the organization’s CEO may have made a memorable and in-depth remark during the press conference.

If you have a word-for-word transcription of the event, you can use the comment for future press releases or as social media quotes.

7. Enhanced SEO benefits

You may quickly add extra material to your blog by converting audio-to-text.

Furthermore, you can reuse the content at a later time to make the most of your resources.

When you publish written content on the internet, search engines start ranking it for relevant keywords. This might also help you receive long-tail niche traffic, which would eventually increase your website’s popularity.

8. Sales Enablement & Sales Training

Allowing reps to refine their pitch by seeing real-world examples or in this case real calls in one centralized place. This will help them nail down the message and ramp up faster without waiting to shadow demos with existing reps.

By seeing when prospects are talking about competitors or by seeing how the best reps handle objections, reps train more efficiently without burning leads. This can be very helpful for business prospecting. We see new reps dive into recorded calls in the meeting notebook to look at what wording was needed when discussing pricing or how much they needed to wait before asking the next question.


One can deny the fact that there are a plethora of reasons why business and technology go hand in hand.

Today’s business world is transforming at a fast pace. In such a growth-oriented world, audio-to-text transcription is becoming increasingly vital.

With the right audio-to-text tool in your arsenal, you can easily record internal meetings, capture what’s being said at corporate events, add subtitles to your video content, keep track of relevant industry, streamline your organization’s information sharing process, and document your press conferences.

The right strategy involving audio-to-text tools can help improve your company’s engagement with customers. It would also help keep your organization’s top management informed about the latest developments.

Besides, the right tool can improve employee productivity by taking away the burden of manual input of information.

As you can see, audio-to-text tools are your best bet as far as improving and streamlining your business operations are concerned.