Meaning, Importance and Strategies of Instagram Marketing

Unlike other social media marketing channels, Instagram has the highest average engagement rate. It is a visual platform to establish a personal connection with your customer. With an advertising audience of more than 1.16 million, Instagram marketing is competitive but not impossible.

Instagram is the perfect, powerful and affordable platform to grow your business. Moreover, an ideal choice if you are looking to grow your business and boost your sales. For a businessman, its essential to build an Instagram strategy because of the following factors.

  • People buy the products from business they like
  • They like reliable business
  • Build a stronger relationship with your followers. So, they trust you and buy your products.
  • Content builds a relationship- Sharing more about your brand, products and company ethos through images, contents and caption help to create that relationship.

5 Reasons why your brand needs Instagram marketing

If you are a businessman in today’s highly competitive business environment, you know well that building audience on Instagram is a priority for all small and large corporations.

  • Boosting brand visibility- There are around 700 million users who share 1 million photos daily. Your brand can get benefitted from this exposure. However, if it is unknown to your targeted audience, you are not doing enough. By posting creative content, you can make more people notice your brand, and these social media opportunities will make your marketing efforts effective.
  • Better engagement- The power of any marketing tool lies in the ability to engage the audience. Your expensive marketing campaign can’t meet the objectives of your business if it fails to attract the audience. Instagram is titled as the king of social engagement as it delivers 58 and 150 times more engagement per follower than Facebook and Twitter respectively.
  • Visual marketing- Hope you remember, ‘a picture is more than the thousands of words. This fact made Instagram a popular marketing tool. It is a popular platform through which you can share your images and videos with the world.
  • SEO- If you are not ranking highly on the search engine result page, then your targeted audience will be unable to search you. It is recommended, don’t ignore the SEO angle if you are serious about search engine result pages (SERPs).
  • Easy marketing- Generating new followers is a tough job. However, Instagram makes it fun trying. If you want your followers to share your content, don’t forget to make it attractive and eye-catching.

It is essential to formulate an Instagram strategy to identify the techniques to use, the objective you want to achieve and the theme of your post. Nevertheless, consistency is the key aspect of a successful Instagram marketing campaign. So, prepare a consistent schedule for posting and stick to it.

Features that make Instagram marketing worth it

  • Instagram stories- They are a great way to promote products. Moreover, allow brands to interact with their audience.
  • IGTV- They take stories to a whole new level. Moreover, allow brands to create a longer formatted video for their audience.
  • Hashtags- They are a massive part of Instagram and help to connect users to similar posts.

6 Tips to Boost Instagram marketing ROI (Return on Investment)

  1. Goal setting must be reasonable and achievable- Follow the SMART goal approach because they force you to set realistic and measurable objectives.

S – Specific

M- Measurable

A – Attainable

R – Relevant

T – Time-based

  1. Target the right audience- Prefer audience that are interested in your products and services. Audience may be dictated by age, gender, income, location, interest etc.
  2. Create content that matches the targeted audience– A few essentials if you want to have your content create maximum impact.
  • Pay attention to length, voice, format and style
  • Your content should be current and relevant
  • Provide value to your follower
  • Create engaging and interactive content
  • Add clarity to your content by consistent brand voice
  1. Make sure your profile is optimized- Remember the proverb, the first impression is the last and your Insta profile provides an opportunity to make a first impression. Optimize it with a relevant keyword phrase, use an appropriate hashtag and prepare compiling bio that attracts your clients.
  2. Leverage Influencers- Influencer Instagram Marketing can help with sponsored posts, brand reviews and a lot more. Besides improving brand’s image, a good Instagram influencer marketing campaign can amplify your marketing efforts.
  3. Track and measure performance and ROI- Common Instagram marketing key performance indicators manage your social profile, increase your followers, etc.

5 Powerful Instagram Marketing Tips

Instagram has grown as the ultimate platform for sharing photos. It has a large number of influencers with lots of followers. So, it’s essential to post the right kind of content but it is not an easy job to identify which type of posts are best for your audience. Here are some popular tips to help you.

  • Switch to a business profile- Firstly, you are required to create an Instagram business account. It enables to create Instagram Ads without using Facebook advertising tools.
  • Use free Instagram tools- These tools are priceless because they inform how your audience is interacting with your content. The more you know about it, the better you can adjust your content to boost engagement.
  • Create sponsored Ads- Instagram Ads have become common. Create one or multiple sponsored Ads and target your audience in a whole new way. There are many different forms of sponsored Ads like- photos, videos, stories etc.
  • Use Instagram stories- Instagram stories are great if you wish to generate leads. They are different from regular Instagram posts because they are live only for 24 hours. They appear in a small area above the news feed.
  • Use interactive branded hashtags- They are great to create instant engagement. It helps the audience to easily search all the posts of your brand. No matter whatever you are posting, but don’t forget your schedule.


Measuring the success of your Instagram marketing efforts is like monitoring your Instagram Insights. While reviewing your Instagram Insights, you can see who is interacting with your post and stories and who makes up your audience.

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