Managed learning services

With technologies and business conditions changing rapidly, organizations find that many of their existing employees do not have the skills and knowledge required to serve their customers. They might even search for things like “hire a nerd to do homework” only to learn up on something they don’t know. Hence the organization would like to train their employees so that they acquire the skills required so that the organization can grow fast while remaining profitable. Since most businesses lack the resources to prepare the training module it is better to outsource the work to an organization providing managed learning services to companies of all sizes.


The service provider is usually very systematic in formulating the training program for the organization, working closely with the human resources department. It will first evaluate the employees to find out their existing competencies and also determine the competencies which are required to make the organization successful. Then the service provider will develop the curriculum for the training program, including one or more subjects in which the employees require training. They will also find the subject matter experts (SME) for the different subjects in which the employees require training. The training provider usually has a large network of experts in various topics ranging from legal issues, finance to marketing, who will assist them for training whenever required.

Program development

After consulting the SME, the training firm will develop the training program. In some cases, the training program may have multiple modules depending on the profile of the employees who will be using the module.In some cases, all employees will have to attend the basic training module to understand specific features. However, only the employees of a specific department may require in depth training to understand the topic thoroughly, since they have to implement the changes, or ensure that the company complies with the conditions of the regulatory authorities.

Program delivery

If required the service provider can customize the learning module for the different departments in the organization. They will then arrange for the learning module delivery throughout the organization, based on the specific requirement. The employees or others will be informed about the training module, so that they can register themselves. In some organizations, enrollment may be voluntary, while in other cases it may be compulsory. Based on the number of people enrolling for the learning module, a schedule for the learning program will be finalized so that those who have registered can plan their schedule accordingly.


While some of the training modules will be delivered almost completely online, in other cases, there may be a trainer who is the SME for the topic.

In some cases, the training program will be of shorter duration like a few hours, while in other cases, it may take a few days. Depending on the course content, the training provider may give a certificate to all those who attended the program or test the persons attending to check their proficiency before giving each person a certificate. Additionally those attending the training program will also be asked for their feedback on the program, suggestions for improvement of the course content as well as other aspects of the program.

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