How to Use Magic Link for Passwordless Login

Online security is a huge issue nowadays, more than at any given point in the internet age. With the amount of personal information we share online, it’s more important to ensure our robust and secure passwords.

Case study after case study have proven that even the most secure passwords can be compromised, often through elementary methods. You can also compromise these passwords in the event of a data breach.

On the bright side, there’s a technology that you can utilize to prevent your passwords from being stolen. Read on and find out what this technology is and its various benefits:

What is a magic link? What are its benefits?

A magic link is a particular type of URL that allows you to log in to a site without entering your password. This type of login is becoming increasingly common, especially on mobile devices.

Magic link’s most remarkable advantage is that you don’t have to remember your password or enter it manually every time you want to log in. All you need is the unique URL, access to the site that provides the magic link, and access to your email inbox.

So why would you want to use a magic link? Well, there are several benefits:


As mentioned earlier, one of the most significant advantages of a magic link is that you don’t have to remember your password. That can be a huge timesaver, especially if you have multiple accounts on different sites.


A magic link provides an extra layer of security by allowing you to log in without manually entering your password. In many ways, it’s a passwordless login. It’s often single-use and expires quickly. That can be especially helpful if your password is weak or compromised.


Magic links are handy on mobile devices, where typing in passwords can be complex or cumbersome. With a magic link, all you need is the URL, and you’re good to go.

Ease of Use

Again, one of the best things about magic links is their ease of use. All you need is the unique URL and access to your email and the link provider. No passwords are necessary.

How to create a magic link

So how do you create a magic link? It’s pretty simple. Just follow these steps:

  1. Go to the site you want to log in to and find the login form.
  2. In the application form, type your username and password as usual.
  3. Below the password field, there will be a section for magic links.
  4. Click the “Create New Magic Link” button and enter the following information:
  5. The site you’re logging in to
  6. The name of the user you’re logging in as
  7. The type of device you’re using (PC, mobile, etc.)
  8. Click “Generate Link” and copy the link that appears.
  9. Copy-paste the link into a new browser window or tab and click “Go.” Your magic link login should be successful!


So why would you want to use a magic link? Well, there are several benefits: convenience, security, mobility, and ease of use. Magic links are handy on mobile devices, where typing in passwords can be challenging.

With a magic link, all you need is the URL, and you’re good to go. So if you’re looking for an easy way to log in to your favorite websites, give magic links a try. Let Stytch be your first—and possibly your permanent—magic link experience!



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