How to find the best embedded software developer

The ability to develop embedded software requires great skills and creativity. In the modern digital world, competition is great amongst the embedded software companies worldwide. Therefore, each embedded software company invests highly in hiring the best developers into their companies. Having the best developers in a company eventually results in quality production and high sales. For an embedded software company to find the perfect developers, there are strategies that need to be followed. It is therefore required that the company utilizes more than one strategy when hiring to get the best developers.

Developer conferences and Meetups.

Many developer conferences are usually set up annually. This is a good place for the embedded software companies to look for the best developers. Such conferences host a wide variety of developers hence the Embedded software company will have a wide range to choose from. To find the dates for the conferences and the venue, the company can start by searching online for such conferences. The embedded software company can then attend such conferences and interact with the developers to find the best to hire.


Using Referrals is a good strategy too when looking for the best developers. The embedded software company can ask around from the employees in the company, friends and other colleagues in the same field. Using referrals has an advantage in that the person who refers you to the developer may have previously worked with him hence he has great knowledge on the capability of the developer. One limit however is that the embedded software company may be limited to hiring a variety of developers according to the kind of network they have.

Stack Overflow

Stack overflow is a site that is used by many developers. It is a site where developers interact, discuss codes and software related issues. Embedded software companies can access developers from this site easily and fast. It is advisable to select the most active developer in the site. The site hosts many developers hence it may be difficult to find local developers around the company’s area.


Github acts as a store where developers keep their previously done projects and the codes they have written before. For an embedded software company, this site is helpful as they can easily assess the developers work and select the best developer on the basis of the previously done projects. The embedded software company can also post the vacant position on the Github job board and the developers can apply. This strategy however can be used together with other strategies for efficiency.

Professional Recruiters

Using professional recruiters can work best for hiring local developers. This strategy is effective as the recruiters will help the embedded software company to hire the best developer of their choice as well as conducting the whole process of interviewing the developers. One drawback of this strategy is that its very expensive as the embedded software company will have to spend a lot of money in the process.


Medium is a site where developers share their work. The embedded software company can efficiently select developers who write for Hacker Noon which is a popular publication for Medium. Once in this site, the company can select the developer they require, based on the skills they need. This strategy should be incorporated with other strategies like Facebook where the embedded software company can be able to see the profile of the developer. This will help the company to know the personality of the developer before hiring.

Freelance Platforms

Freelance platforms work best when the embedded software company is specifically looking for a freelance developer. The platforms can either be General or Niche. The General platform contain many freelancers. It is however not easy to find the specific developer you require since not everyone in the platform is a developer. The Niche platform is more specific and therefore the embedded software company can easily find the developer they require. The Niche platform is however more expensive than the General platform.


Linkedin is an amazing site for the embedded software company as they will be able to find the developers CV. This strategy gives the company a clear picture of the developer’s skills and qualifications. One disadvantage however of this site is that it has many ‘spam’ therefore it is not the best site for the company to reach out to the developer.

Many other strategies may be used to find the best developers. Great time is required to choose the best of the developers for the embedded software company to produce quality products. Using only one strategy may limit the company hence a combination of two or three of the strategies is highly recommended.

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