How a digital Marketing Agency can help you with your Growth Funnel

Optimizing a Growth Funnel

Digital Marketing Agencies, recognizes that the true art of conversion does not simply end with the conversion process but also has to grow the funnel.

Instead of catching people’s attention, growth marketing focuses on building a lasting relationship with them. The main objective of the relationship is to increase the frequency of purchases and establish a lasting relationship with the customer.

Listed below are the four AAARRRR metrics (Awareness, Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, Revenue).

In this guide, we’ll give you suggestions on how to streamline your growth process in order to achieve success quickly.

Learn about your audience

During the awareness stage, you aim to increase brand awareness and build trust by introducing your service/product to targeted audiences.

For example, you can use Facebook Analytics, Instagram Analytics, Twitter Analytics or a marketing attribution software in order to get to know your audience. You can then create buyer personas based on this data.

Your marketing efforts should align with the interests and needs of your audience by creating a buyer persona.

The topics you choose for your audience must be relevant and useful.

Be sure your customer service and sales teams are involved in creating a content marketing strategy. Your sales and customer service teams will understand your customers’ problems very well. In addition to social media posts, consider writing blogs, e-books, guides, podcasts, or video content.

Customers should be shown the benefits

Your solution needs to provide multiple benefits to people from an acquisition standpoint. It is important to keep in mind that people are not interested in your company when writing your copy for landing pages.

You can’t impress anyone with what you can do. People care more about what you can do for them.

Referral programs played a major role in Dropbox’s enormous growth. There is hardly anything complicated about their landing page. It clearly illustrates the benefits of the offer for their customers.

Referring a customer gives you free space.

As a result of your referral, their account gets more space.

You get more space for your account if you invite more friends who subscribe.

Customers were encouraged not only to use the product more than they already did, but also to introduce new users to the product.

In 15 months, Dropbox gained 3900% of its user base from 100,000 to 4,000,000 users.

Your offer must be irresistible to both the giver and the receiver if you want to build a growth funnel that fills itself with referrals.

Communicate with your customers

Lead acquisition and nurturing constitute the activation stage.

When your product is not sufficiently supported, your customers are frustrated. When they become frustrated, they quickly forget about your product.

What can you do to prevent this from happening?

Live chat is a helpful tool that can assist your customer service team in guiding your visitors. Your lead generation strategy may benefit from implementing live chat to convert visitors into leads.

Chatting with customers before they browse your website increases their likelihood of becoming customers by 82%, according to Intercom.

You can proactively engage with people using outbound messages via live chat, instead of passively collecting their information. Whether you are using an automated chatbot or a human, live chat allows you to interact with prospects in real-time.

Be attentive to customer feedback

When a buyer makes a decision, their journey is not over. Advocacy and retention must be considered. Create a seamless onboarding process and keep providing valuable content to retain your customers.

If you had a positive experience with a brand, 79% of customers would probably buy again.

Ask for feedback directly from customers. Your products and services will be improved with regular feedback, leading to higher customer satisfaction. Customer retention will naturally follow.

Set up a customer feedback process for collecting, analyzing, and implementing suggestions for improvement. Surveys can be sent out, as well as live chats and emails for feedback.

HubSpot reports that 96% of consumers would continue to do business with companies who apologize and fix problems. Customer retention can be improved by solving problems quickly.

Let’s go viral

With the help of a Digital Marketing Agency, you can drive growth with referrals.

I would like to revisit Dropbox’s example. They came up with another viral idea after they achieved tremendous success with their first referral program. They increased the space available to their customers.

Subscriptions increased by 60% as a result.

Your loyal customers can also be part of an online community. Your customers will create social proof by sharing their reviews, asking questions, and connecting with each other.


Growth funnels are cyclical processes. Once you have a customer, nurturing doesn’t end. Learn how to better serve them. By filling your growth funnel in this way, you will not only grow your business but also keep your customers coming back.


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