Five Ways Your Employees Use Technology That Puts Your Business at Risk

Technology makes the world go round. It’s nearly impossible to run a business without it. That can be a good thing! Technology enables us to complete tasks more quickly, it helps us to do more than ever before, and it can help us save money.

Unfortunately, it can cause some problems too, especially when it comes to how that technology is used. As a business owner, there are many things you can do to keep your systems safe. For example, you can look into the 2021 report on DNS attack costs and decide if an IPAM solution is right for your company, you can invest in protections like firewalls and VPNs, and you can automate software updates to take place at night when your employees are at home sleeping.

No matter how hard you try to protect the technology in your office, there are still things that your employees could be doing to put your company and its data at risk.

They Work on Personal Devices

How do your employees get work done? If the answer is that they use computers in the office and that’s it, you have a lot more control over their technology use. If the answer is that they use cell phones, tablets, and home computers, your business could be at risk and you don’t even know it.

When employees access company information on internet connections that aren’t secure, it’s easy for hackers to gain access to that information. Make sure you create strict policies outlining what devices are appropriate, set up a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), and consider cyber liability insurance.

They’re Storing Data the Wrong Way

How do your employees save data? It may not seem like a big deal to use a private cloud or for employees to save items to their desktop, but saving sensitive information this way makes it a lot easier for third parties to access that information. Instead, encourage them to use a protected private cloud that is much more difficult for hackers to access.

This includes employees in the office, but it includes others as well. Have you provided a freelancer with sensitive information? Does a vendor have your personal information? Make sure they are using secure storage methods or give them access to the same storage options that you give your full-time employees.

They Use Crummy Passwords

It doesn’t matter whether your employees know that bad passwords are a security risk. They will keep using them anyway! That’s because crummy passwords are easier to remember.

Require employees to create complex passwords and ask them to replace their passwords often. A few requirements include:

  • Long passwords of at least eight characters
  • Use letters that don’t spell out words
  • Include numbers, symbols, uppercase, and lowercase letters
  • Never reuse passwords

They Don’t Take Your Access Policy Seriously

You can have employees who have great passwords and still have trouble with security. That’s because not only can security problems come from others outside your company, they can come from people inside your company too.

Some employees don’t take your access policies seriously, which means they lend out their passwords so coworkers can gain access to information they don’t personally have access to. It may also mean that they access sensitive information on devices that aren’t approved or protected.

Make sure employees understand the importance of keeping their login information to themselves, and retrain often on what devices can be used to work outside the office, as well as how to use personal devices safely.

They Can’t Recognize Phishing Scams

Just because phishing scams are obvious to you doesn’t mean they are obvious to your employees! Intelligence, experience, and common sense have nothing to do with it either. Anyone can be the victim of a scam when all it takes is clicking on a link in an email.

Train your employees to recognize and avoid phishing scams. Some simple rules go a long way. Instruct employees to never click on a link directly in an email, make sure they look at the return email address, and instruct them to ask a coworker or a manager if they are unsure.

There are a lot of things you can do to protect the technology you use in the office, but don’t forget that your employees can greatly impact how secure your systems are! It’s important to know how they can put your business at risk so you can make changes that keep your information safe.


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