ClickFunnels Affiliate Program— How Far Can You Go With It?

Welcome to the world of business! I am going to take you to a world you probably have never thought existed.

It is the ClickFunnels affiliate program.

Are you tired of listening to so many ideas and tricks and plans?

Baffled, puzzled, and mystified? Here’s the ultimate solution! In this article, we are going to take you to the tour of a new horizon of affiliate marketing. Just be with us to the end.

Before we dive in, you’re invited to see some of the exciting moments of people who got the taste of it. Watch this.

What Actually Is It?

ClickFunnels is a software that allows businesses to automate their selling process. You can basically sell and promote ClickFunnels to any online business or to any business that wants to start their activity online. So the market potential is really huge. Another way to promote ClickFunnels is to promote their affiliate program. Here you promote other people’s business.

Why Is It A Good Choice?

The first benefit of the ClickFunnels affiliate program is that they provide recurring commissions. This is what we are looking for when we want to make money online and build our online business based on affiliate marketing.

Once somebody signs up to ClickFunnels with your link, you’ll be getting a commission in the coming month.

Another benefit of ClickFunnels is that they pay 40% commission, which is very high. Just think you are going to get 40% of any product sold to the person that started ClickFunnels with you. This is vital because they use sticky cookies. So if somebody buys a book, which is a cheap product, using your link, a sticky cookie is assigned to them. Next time, whatever product they purchase from ClickFunnels, you are still going to get 40% of the sale.

Another thing is that people at ClickFunnels are really good at marketing and selling. They will keep on sending emails and using all other ways to tempt the person who once signs up to buy more products, which adds to your income without any effort from your side. Sounds great right? Check here for the Clickfunnels Pricing to get you started.

How Does It Work?

There are a lot of ways to promote it, and you do it all by giving away free stuff like books, custom stickers, MP3 Players, Webinar outlines, or even a cookbook.

Once you become a ClickFunnels affiliate, the great thing is that you get access to a lot of resources.

If you join their Facebook group, there is a lot of useful information about promoting ClickFunnels. Other stuff might include traffic pages, conversions, and so on.

The next great thing is that they have free ClickFunnels affiliate training programs for you that outline ways for you to be a good affiliate for ClickFunnels.

It doesn’t take a lot of effort to do it. Just go through their affiliate boot camp, and you will learn a lot from there.

How To Become A Successful ClickFunnels Affiliate?

If you don’t know how to become a ClickFunnels affiliate, it’s very simple. As soon as you become a ClickFunnels customer, you are essentially eligible to become an affiliate. Any page you create in ClickFunnels, by default, is going to have one of those nifty little badges down in the corner. If someone clicks on that and goes to check out the ClickFunnels and becomes a customer, you are going to get credit for that.

Then you will need a great sales funnel built thoroughly in compliance with the current affiliate marketing trends. This is because it is all about providing value, teaching people, and supporting them before you really sell. Don’t act like you did before— a quick sale and you are gone without any support for the person.

If you want concrete proof of what I have said, you can see any successful affiliate providing tons of affiliate marketing training videos, books, and live contacts to keep you active in the market.

Getting a whole funnel is not the same as training the person who signs up with your link.

Moreover, you need to understand very very clear that they have a sticky cookie; if you get someone into a ClickFunnels funnel, you will be able to pocket 40% of everything they buy after that. You don’t need to send someone to buy a four-hundred-dollar product; you only need to send them to a funnel to buy whatever they can. ClickFunnels will do the rest.

How Much Does ClickFunnels Affiliate Pay?

It depends on the kind of product you want to promote and which one people take advantage of. If you look inside the affiliate portal, you’ll find there is a range of products to pick from. There is funnel graffiti, cookbook, funnel scripts— all these are different kinds of products you can promote here. You can get paid in the form of a one-time payment or recurring type of payment.

Let’s take an example. See the picture below taken from an affiliate’s site.

Here you are giving away a free MP3 player from which you don’t actually get anything. But if they take any additional offer, you get $26.80. That’s monthly recurring revenue. On top of that, there is another upsell. If they take advantage of it, you get a one-time payment of $118.

In the same way, from another place, you can earn up to 137 bucks for giving away a webinar script.

It works like that. You start with an offer that does not get you anything. But if you take care of it, there are always some doors gradually opening up, and you start earning.

Final words

If you want to get set up as a ClickFunnels affiliate, you need to get inside here. They do require some information for tax purposes. That’s a very simple step. Then you are good to go.

Get your affiliate links and start promoting!

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