Best Workflow for Front-end Development

Front-end development is also called client-side development. A developer works with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build any website, and users can directly see and interact with them. It can also be referred to as the graphical user interface of any website.

There can be various tools and workflows that make front-end development easy. But still, it depends on the nature of the project on which we are working, and based on it, the tool selection is made.

To make the product better, one should be aware of all the hurdles and difficulties faced in the past project, and a process should be streamlined, which should be easy for all to understand. A specific set of rules must be set when deciding about the workflow in any of the projects. It will help the project be delivered on time, and it will be flexible, reliable, and easy to maintain. A front-end development course will teach and guide all the steps to set up the workflow, stated below.

Steps to set up the workflow


By using various editors, one can manage the coding process of the project. Sublime Text, VSCode, or Atom can be considered while choosing the editor.

Sublime Text can be regarded as one of the best editors. Most developers prefer using it because of its speed, simplicity, and keyboard shortcuts while working on different scripting languages. It is an open-source and cross-platform editor and supports auto-completion.

VSCode or Visual Studio Code is one of the first code editors and cross-platform tools supporting OS X, Windows, and Linux Operating systems. It is simple, fast, and easily integrated with Git and remotely on different teams where multiple developers can work on a single project.

You can also consider Atom as one of the editors, a desktop application for web technologies. It contains more than 50 open source packages that you can integrate with it, and it also supports Node.js integration.

Setting up a task runner

Task runner is executed from the command line, which generally automates repetitive tasks. Examples of task runners include file concatenation, JavaScript compression, and compiling CSS files. The two most essential tools that allow this functionality are Grunt and Gulp. Grunt is a bit slower than Gulp and revolves around configuration, and while Gulp is significantly faster, it requires complicated pipelines and has limited APIs.

Defining the CSS process

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It describes the display of HTML elements on the screen or any other media. It is used to control the layout of the web pages and is stored in CSS files. A CSS methodology needs to be picked up, either BEM, SMACSS, or Atomic CSS; after establishing one of this CSS methods, the CSS needs to be written.

Establishing JavaScript

There can be various flavors of JavaScript like ES5, ES6, and TypeScript while writing the code. ES5 helps understand the code’s structure and supports all the major frameworks. ES6 may be considered the future of JavaScript, and it also offers various attractive features like classes, interfaces, functions, modules importing and exporting, and many other features. TypeScript is the tool used in Visual Studio and also supports Angular v2. Using TypeScript makes the JavaScript scalable, and modern language features can be added, making it easy for the developers to adhere to the .NET environment.

JavaScript Framework

There can be millions of JavaScript frameworks used in the project, but three of the most popular JavaScript frameworks are Angular, Ember, and Backbone. The latest version of Angular is Angular v13, which is fast to prototype and build. It follows the Test-Driven development approach and is easy to work with Jasmine and Karma. Ember follows the Component-Driven development approach and uses the Handlebars template engine. By using CLI in Ember, the testing becomes very easy. Backbone has straightforward HTML, and no magical attributes are required while coding the project. It also gives the feasibility of choosing the template engine and complete control over design patterns, architecture, and code style.


Various libraries can be used while coding the project. One of the libraries is jQuery. JavaScript has become more approachable with jQuery, and it is a much better tool to manipulate the DOM. Underscore is another library that provides access to native functions such as find, pluck and shuffle, which are missing in JavaScript. While using the Backbone framework, Underscore is the most used library as it is a hard dependency of the framework. With the help of the D3 library, it provides fantastic JavaScript-based data visualization, which helps bind the data to the DOM and transform it into a document.


While writing the code for front-end development, you must also consider the various OOPS concepts in Java, C++, Python, etc. There are four concepts of OOPS. First is Inheritance, which means that the child object acquires all the properties and behaviors of the parent object. While using this concept, it provides the feature of code reusability. The second concept is Encapsulation which means binding the code and data together in a single unit. You can consider Abstraction the third concept in which the internal details of the code are hidden, and only the functionality is displayed. To achieve Abstraction, one can use abstract class and interface. The fourth and last OOPs concept is Polymorphism. The way of performing one task in different ways is called Polymorphism.

A front-end development course can be helpful for anyone who wants to make their career in the IT sector as a front-end developer. The front-end developers will be responsible for determining the design and structure of any web page. The developers are recruited from almost all the IT companies, and this position is in very high demand. The pay scale is also magnificent. Front-end development is an easy thing that you can learn within a few months.

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