A Quick Guide to Network Optimization

Network optimization consists of best practices for improving network performance. It comprises of tools, technologies, and techniques for maintaining, improving, and maximizing performance across all the network domains. The goal of this type of optimization is to provide the best network experience to users. It can enhance the speed, security, and reliability of your IT ecosystem.

I wasn’t aware of the term “network optimization” until I stumbled upon a blog about online security while browsing for ISPs and their prices like Spectrum internet prices. It was an eye opener to learn about it all. Through network optimization you can also keep track of certain performance metrics which include latency, bandwidth usage, availability, packet loss, and jitter. The goal isn’t to buy powerful hardware or software but to optimize what’s in hand.

Why is Network Optimization Important?

Network optimization is important in today’s interconnected world. Every aspect of our digital lives depends on how efficiently the network operates, right?

If the network is optimized, it allows free flow of data and enables optimal unitization of network resources. Network optimization also involves tracking performance metrics to provide real-time reports and help the network managers protectively manage traffic. In other words, network optimization drives better network performance.

Network Optimization Strategies

Want to improve your network’s utility? These are some network optimization strategies to pay attention to:

Use Wired Connection

It’s tempting to go wireless whether you are at home or work. No doubt Wi-Fi is convenient but nothing can top the reliability and speed of wired networks.

If speed is an issue because several users are connected to the internet, then switching to a wired network can immediately boost the speed.

This does not mean that a wired connection is completely flawless. It has its own issues but it has proven faster than wireless connection many times!

Get a New Router

We need a wireless connection at some point. If slow connection is a consistent issue, maybe it’s time to upgrade the router.

Let’s say the router you are using is more than 3 years old, consider getting a new one. With a new device, you will be able to use your Internet connection to its full potential and experience better speed.

Choose a Complex Signal Name

Enhanced security is a core component of optimizing the network.  This calls for using a strong or uncommon username for your wireless network. This is to ensure that people who can discover your network name shy away from attempting to connect to it.

Secondly, keep your network hidden. Sometimes, it’s best to stick to the name assigned to your router by default. The password of your wireless network must be complex as well. Use a combination of alphabets, numbers, and special characters. It shouldn’t be as simple as “password123” or include your personal information.

Update All Your Drivers

This advice is particularly for those who have updated their OS. There are good chances the old drivers are no longer compatible with the updates.

It is important to ensure all drivers are up to date. In fact, checking for updates should be a regular activity.

Find the Bandwidth Hogs and Eliminate Them

The worst nightmare of any network administrator is bandwidth hogs. They place a huge strain on the resources of the network. Video streaming services and heavy applications eat the bandwidth away. By using a network monitoring solution, it’s possible to determine which devices are consuming the most bandwidth. This allows you to address the issue right away.

Malware Detection

Sometimes, it’s malware that is dragging down the network performance. Yes, malware isn’t just bad for the security of your organization but the performance of your network as well.

Depending on the threat, the malware can linger on your network for a long time. You must hunt down the malware proactivity and get it removed. Use security tools to look for signs and access the security of the network.

Benefits of Network Optimization

Every organization must make network optimization its priority because of the following benefits:

Improved productivity

Your workforce won’t have to deal with issues like frequent downtime, slow software, and slow connections. They will get to complete daily targets on time. In other words, their productivity will improve.

Faster speed

The best thing about network optimization is that it enables quick data transfer. Faster speed means things will get done faster.

Higher security

All your applications will have around the clock network visibility which means better security.

Fast data discovery

In case of a cyberattack or hardware failure, network optimization will prevent data loss. Your organization will already have a disaster recovery plan in place to recover the important files and bounce back to routine operations.

Network optimization is essential for any business that involves real-time usage of digital technology. Hence it should be a top priority for your business as well.

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