A Complete Guide To Digital Ads: How To Write The Ideal Copy

When businesses go online, there are many different things they need to attend to. They can be anything from having an outstanding web design to creating a clear brand, logo, or strapline. Digital marketing is massively important too if you want to be seen and heard in the right places.

When it comes to creating digital ads, copy is key. If you want people to click on them, it’s essential that they’re both compelling and relevant. In this article, we’ll provide a complete guide on how to write the ideal copy for your digital ads.

Understand What They Are

In digital advertising, you’re likely to come across three main types of adverts – display ads, video ads, and search engine marketing (SEM). Display ads are the most common type of digital ad. They appear as a rectangular box on websites or apps and typically contain an image or video, plus text.

Video ads are similar to display ads, but they play automatically when users visit certain web pages or open app screens. SEM is the term used for online advertising that targets people who have conducted a specific keyword search on Google or another search engine.

Let The Internet Help You

It can feel overwhelming when you discover terms like native ads, paid search ads, and social media ads. Fortunately, there’s no need to be intimidated because the internet is there to help you. Numerous blogs, specialist articles, and YouTube videos exist that are devoted to providing online tutorials. They can take you through the process of creating digital ads – and much of it is free.

All you need to do is go online and make some Google searches about digital marketing. In terms of ad copywriting, you can discover the 7 rules of the road for writing great digital ad copy. Help can be gained for ads on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Pinterest, LinkedIn, or native ads. You can also access helpful articles on headlines that grab attention or complete guides to conversion copywriting.

Write It For Your Target Audience

When creating your digital ad copy, it’s important to keep in mind who your target audience is and what you want them to do once they see your advert. If you’re a clothing retailer, you might want people to click through to your website and buy something from your latest collection.

When you know who you’re targeting, it becomes easier to write copy that will resonate with them. For example, if your target audience is young mothers, you might want to use phrases like “newborn essentials” or “made for busy moms” in your ad copy. This will help to grab their attention and make them more likely to click through to your website.

Include A Call To Action

A call to action (CTA) is simply a phrase or sentence that tells the viewer what you want them to do. Be sure to use active language that encourages the viewer to take immediate action. For example, don’t say “click here to learn more,” say “learn more now.” Here are some common examples you may wish to consider:

  • Click here
  • Sign up now
  • Buy this product
  • Download our app
  • Visit our website
  • Call us today

Make Your Copy SEO Optimized

SEO (or Search Engine Optimization) is the process of optimizing a website for Google and other search engines. When done correctly, SEO can help your website rank higher in peoples’ search results, which could bring you more sales revenue. In terms of your digital ads, make sure your copy is SEO-friendly. This means using keyword-rich phrases that people are using when they search for your goods or services on Google. Having said that, don’t use too many keywords because Google will penalize you if you overuse them.

Besides doing your own SEO research, you can use the Google AdWords Keyword Planner to find related keywords. Alternatively, use a consultant/specialist company who can help you get your ads and website SEO optimized.

Be Prepared To Change It

Digital ads, just like any other form of advertising, are a fluid and ever-changing beast. What works today may not work tomorrow – so you have to be prepared to change your ad copy on the fly. Analytical tools can help you do this by giving you real-time feedback on how well your ads are performing.

If something isn’t working with your ad campaign, don’t be afraid to make changes quickly. This could mean changing the text of your ad or even switching up the images or videos you’re using. By being flexible, you can maximize your chances of success.

Harness The Power Of AI

AI is short for artificial intelligence, and it’s a technology that allows machines to learn and work on their own. Copywriting is one of the most important aspects of creating successful digital ads, but it can be difficult to write effective ad copy. With AI, you can get assistance with creating ad headlines, body text, calls to action, and more.

There are many different AI-powered tools that can help you with your ad copywriting. Some popular ones include:

  • Textio: A tool that helps you improve your writing style by analyzing your text and providing feedback on how to make your writing more effective.
  • Hemingway: A tool that helps you simplify your writing and make it more readable.
  • AdEspresso: A tool that helps you create Facebook ad campaigns quickly and easily.

When using AI for ad copywriting, be sure to test different tools and find the one that works best for you. Each one has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to find a tool that fits your needs.

Hopefully, you now understand more about writing the ideal copy for your digital ads. It’s worth doing more research and using some of the different tools that we’ve discussed. Whether you achieve everything yourself or use a specialist company to help you, it will be worth it for the results that you achieve. Your content will be more relevant and engaging, and your revenue may increase as a result.

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