5 Ways to Double Your Traffic in 30 Days Without Spending on Ads

Traffic is the lifeblood of any website. Without it, your site will die a slow death. You’ve gone through the trouble of web development and filling it with content, so why not make sure that people are getting there?

Of course, there’s no magic potion or secret trick to increasing traffic to your website. It takes time, effort, money, and a lot of hard work. But what if there’s a cheat sheet for doubling your traffic for free?

There is. In fact, there are several of them. And we’re going to share them with you today. Here are five methods for doubling your website traffic for free in 30 days, proven and tested by our SEO marketing Agency

Upgrade Old Blog Posts

When it comes to increasing traffic on your blog, upgrading your old posts is a great way to go. Not only will you be able to bring in more readers, but you’ll also be able to improve the overall quality of your blog. By taking the time to update your older posts, you’ll be able to make them more relevant and engaging for your readers.

According to Backlinko.com, this simple strategy landed them 50.95% more traffic in seven days. So, why not give it a try on your blog?

Here are a few tips for upgrading your old blog posts:

  • Revise the title. The title is one of the most important parts of any post, so be sure to revise it if needed. Make sure it’s catchy and interesting and that it accurately reflects the content of the post.
  • Update the content. Take some time to update the content of your post. Make sure it’s relevant and up-to-date and that all the information is accurate.
  • Add new images. Images can help to break up the text and make your posts more engaging for readers. Be sure to add new images, or replace outdated ones, whenever possible.
  • Delete old links. If an old link isn’t useful anymore, consider deleting it from your blog post and replacing it with a newer one. Be sure to use the “no follow” tag if you do not want search engines to follow those links.
  • Add new keywords. Keywords are another important part of any blog post, so be sure that yours are relevant and up-to-date. You can also add new ones if needed!
  • Modify the internal linking structure for better SEO results: This is a very easy way to improve your site’s ranking in search engines like Google or Bing by simply modifying how many times certain words appear throughout the content of each particular page on your website (for example: adding more instances where people are talking about “how to get more organic traffic”).
  • Add new comments: Comments can help make your blog more engaging for readers, and they’re also a good way to get feedback on what you’ve written. Be sure that the comment section is up-to-date with any new information or thoughts about your posts!

If you’ve never upgraded an old blog post before, don’t worry! It’s not as difficult as it sounds. All it takes is a little bit of time and effort to make sure that your content stays fresh and relevant for readers. Or you can take advantage of Best SEO Services In Los Angeles or a search engine optimization company to help you out.

Use “Click to Tweet” Links to double traffic on your site

“Click to Tweet” links are the ultimate way to get people to share your content. This social media marketing platform promotes your website like crazy! And who doesn’t want that?

But what is a “Click to Tweet” link? And how do you use them in your marketing strategy? A “Click to Tweet” link is an easy way for people to share your content on Twitter with their followers. If you’ve ever noticed, people have been sharing the same quotes from all over the internet, and it’s because of “Click To Tweets!”

The links are pre-designed in such a way that anyone can easily tweet out a certain quote or paragraph just by clicking on them. And this has made them so popular among marketers. The shares also look good and make your profile look more reliable! Awesome right?

Adding “Click to Tweet” links to your content can help you double your website traffic. Not only that, but it also makes it look more professional and reliable! Who wouldn’t want that? So start using them today and see the difference for yourself!

Find out Where People Are Falling Off or Leaving In Droves

You want as much traffic as possible. You want people to stick around, explore your site, and maybe even buy something. But how do you make that happen?

One way is by understanding where people are falling off or leaving in droves. There are a few different ways to figure out where people are dropping off. You can use heatmaps, scroll maps, and user session recordings.

Heatmaps show you where people are clicking the most. It can help you understand what parts of your site are the most popular. Scroll maps show you how far down people are scrolling on your pages. It can help you understand if people are getting to the parts of your site they want to see. User session recordings show you how people are using your site. It can help you understand where people are lost or confused.

You can also use Google Analytics Behavior Flow tool to see where people are going on your site. The Behavior Flow tool in Google Analytics shows you how people are moving through your website.

You can see the paths they take, where they leave, and how long they stay on each page. This information can help you understand which pages need improvement so that you can keep people engaged longer on your website.

You can also use a pop-up survey to ask visitors why they left your website. Doing so will give you feedback directly from the people who left.

Once you identify the big drop-offs, you can focus your efforts on improving those areas. For example, if a lot of people are dropping off after they visit the pricing page for your products, then you could add more information about how to get support or have an FAQ section so that people aren’t confused when they see the price.

If a lot of people are leaving in droves from one specific blog post, then maybe it’s not getting enough traffic or is hard to find because it’s not ranking high enough in Google search results? Maybe it needs some better formatting and images? Or perhaps the content just isn’t what visitors were expecting?

Inject LSI Keywords into Your Content

Search engine optimization or SEO is indeed one of the best ways to bring in traffic to your website. However, most old-school strategies clearly don’t work anymore. The main reason for that is due to Google’s Hummingbird algorithm.

The Hummingbird algorithm has been designed to understand the meaning and context behind each search request. So, in order to rank high for a specific keyword, you need to make sure that your post is about the topic in its entirety. And this is where LSI keywords come into play! In fact, Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords are words or phrases related to your main keyword.

Here’s an example: I write a blog post on how SEO strategies have changed over time and discuss what type of content marketing works best today when it comes to ranking higher on Google search engine results pages as well as driving traffic back to my site.

My primary keyword phrase would be “SEO Strategy,” while some of the LSI keywords I could use would be “web traffic,” “Google ranking,” and even something as general as “digital marketing” or “internet marketing.”

By using these related terms throughout my post, I can make sure that Google understands the context of my article and awards me with a higher ranking for my target keyword. Not to mention, including LSI keywords also helps to increase click-through rates (CTRs) because they provide more relevant information to readers.

There are a few different ways to find related terms or LSI keywords. One way is to use Google’s autocomplete feature. Simply type in your main keyword phrase into the Google search bar and see what pops up as related terms.

Another great keyword research tool for finding LSI keywords is Google’s Keyword Planner. This tool lets you see how many people are searching for a specific keyword each month and gives you other relevant information such as average monthly searches and suggested bid prices.

You can also find some good LSI keywords by using online tools like LSIGraph. Just enter your main keyword phrase into the tool, and it will provide you with a list of related terms.

Once you’ve found some LSI keywords that make sense for your topic, make sure to use them naturally throughout the text in ways that fit the context of your article. In other words, don’t force any unnecessary LSI keywords just to rank higher on Google!

Consider Going On Podcasts to double traffic on your site

Podcasting is a great way to attract more traffic to your website. When you release a podcast, you can include a link to your website in the show notes, which will help to drive more traffic to your site. In addition, podcasting can help you build relationships with potential customers and clients.

By providing valuable content on your podcast, you can help to establish yourself as an expert in your field. If you go on a podcast or invite guests onto your podcast, it helps build a relationship with your audience and site visitors. In some cases, listeners will even become raving fans and write positive reviews of the guest’s book or service that they provide.

So how do you get started? Here are three steps:

First: Choose an appropriate title for your show notes and decide who will be hosting the show (you can also have multiple hosts). The second step is choosing a format such as audio-only or video. The third step is creating high-quality content that listeners will enjoy listening to while driving home from work each day!

Podcasting offers many benefits, including increased exposure for small businesses and authors alike. By creating an engaging show that your audience will enjoy listening to, you’ll be able to build brand awareness while providing value at the same time.

The next step is choosing a format such as audio-only or video. The third step is creating high-quality content that listeners will enjoy listening to while driving home from work each day!

Podcasting offers many benefits, including increased exposure for small businesses and authors alike. By creating an engaging show that your audience will enjoy listening to, you’ll be able to build brand awareness while providing value at the same time.


So there you have it—five ways to double your traffic without spending a dime on ads. Implementing just one or two of these tactics could make a big difference for your website, and if you put all five into practice, you could see some awe-inspiring results. But remember, nothing happens overnight; give yourself at least 30 days to try out these techniques and track the progress of your website. By the end of the month, you should see a significant increase in traffic – and hopefully more sales too! Work with an SEO marketing agency or SEO company to make the process easier.




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