10 Unique Ways to Improve Organic Traffic of Your SaaS Company

Organic traffic is an absolutely critical source of growth for most SaaS companies. It’s essentially the “free” traffic source compared to other acquisition channels like paid ads. That being said, driving organic traffic isn’t easy—or simply for that matter. In fact, it can be incredibly complicated and time-consuming—but well worth it.

That emphasizes the importance of building a concrete and measurable SaaS SEO strategy. From publishing top-notch content to identifying new link-building opportunities – the right SaaS SEO strategy covers everything you need to drive traffic to your website. The best part is that it continues to be effective in the long run. That means once you implement your SEO strategy, it’ll attract organic website visitors for months (or even years).

Let’s now cover 10 unique ways or strategies you can follow to improve organic traffic to your SaaS website. 

1. Write the Right Content

Content is KING. Therefore, the first step to increasing organic traffic is writing the right content. The most effective way to do this is by creating evergreen content that your audience wants but hasn’t seen before and that you can continue to update regularly.

It will also be helpful if you take into consideration the following:

  • Relevant

Your target audience should be able to relate to and find value in your content. That means understanding their pain points and interests, then crafting posts that speak directly to them.

  • Unique

Google doesn’t want businesses copying each other’s work because it makes it harder for customers searching online for information on a specific topic or product. They want users to look through search results pages (SERPs) of websites specifically targeted towards them as consumers when looking for solutions that solve their problems. 

This means writing unique pieces of high-quality content will help attract more visitors than those who don’t offer much value beyond what competition currently offers elsewhere on those same SERPs already occupied by other companies who aren’t providing any additional value either.

2. Publish More Often

The second way to improve organic traffic is by publishing more often. The best way to do this is by creating an editorial calendar and sticking with it, even if you don’t have a lot of content on your site. Your strategy should be like those of newspapers or magazines: publish new pieces frequently enough that there is always something new for people to check out when they visit your website.

In practice, this means posting three or four times per week—but don’t stop there! If you find yourself writing great blog posts all the time but never pushing them live because they’re “not good enough,” then consider working with an editor who can help you polish up your work until it’s ready for publication (or hire someone who has experience editing blog posts).

Publishing more often also means paying attention to what your competitors are doing when it comes time for their next issue release (if any). If another SaaS company writes about fast-growing companies in the industry every quarter, chances are good that yours will benefit from doing so as well.

3. Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is another excellent way to get your content in front of a new audience. Not only will you be able to reach out to other people’s audiences and build relationships with influencers in your field, but you can also build links to your site through guest posts. This can help improve your organic traffic and move you up in search engine rankings.

Additionally, guest blogging is a great way to build brand awareness, directly leading to increased sales conversions and conversions per customer (CPC).

4. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a hot new trend pioneered by entrepreneurs who want to grow their businesses. You can use influencers to drive traffic to your site, promote your product or brand and even generate leads. Here’s how:

Social media is a great place for influencer marketing as it’s easy to find influencers who will be interested in what you have to offer. Start by searching for the relevant communities where your target audience hangs out (e.g., Facebook groups). Browse through the profiles of people with large followings and make a note of their posting history, interests, and preferences so that you can determine whether they’d be a good fit for what you’re offering. If they seem like a good fit, reach out via social media or email asking if they’d be willing to participate in an interview about their experiences using products similar to yours but don’t ask anything too personal until after they’ve agreed.

If someone agrees, then ask them questions related specifically to their needs – this will help them relate more easily than simply rambling off generic answers which may not align well with each other despite having similar interests at first glance.

5. Use Your Existing Assets for Link Building

A link-building strategy is one of the most important components of an SEO campaign. Links are an important ranking signal and can help increase your organic traffic. Your existing content, such as blog posts, eBooks, case studies, testimonials, and other assets, can be used to build links to your site.

You should focus on creating high-quality, unique content so it doesn’t get penalized by Google’s algorithms. You also need to create a content strategy for promoting your content across different platforms such as social media channels and email newsletters. For example:

  • Use social media to promote blog posts or eBooks from time to time with the help of influencers in similar industries who have large followings on Twitter or Facebook etc. They will share this information with their followers, which brings more traffic back to your website/blog.
  • Create an email newsletter containing links back to another relevant article about ‘X’ topic (i.e., building backlinks) without being too salesy – this way, people will know what kind of information exists out there if they want it;

6. Optimize for Featured Snippets

Google uses featured text snippets to answer common questions about people, places, and things. They often include a picture, title, and description taken from websites around the web that Google deems relevant for this query.

Featured snippets can help drive traffic to your site and increase your SEO ranking. While the first result in Google is always going to get the most clicks, featured snippets are still valuable because they appear in search results for keywords that you may not rank for.

You can use Schema.org structured data markup to help Google understand what information it should display in the snippet. This is especially important when it comes to reviews, as this will let Google show review stars in search results. If you don’t have reviews, consider asking customers for feedback via email or social media channels like Facebook and Twitter.

7. Dwell Time

Dwell time is the amount of time a visitor spends on your site. It’s the amount of time between when they land on your page and when they leave.

Dwell time is an important metric as it indicates how engaged your visitors are with your site. The higher their dwell time, the more likely they are to convert into customers or leads.

You can measure dwell time using Google Analytics (GA) by navigating to Audience > Behavior > Site Content > All Pages. Here you can see: 1) an overview of all pages on your website; 2) specific page performance metrics—including bounce rate, average session duration, and page views per session; 3) an option to segment by device type; 4) options for filtering based on traffic source (e.g., organic search).

8. Invest in Better, Faster Website Hosting

Speed is a crucial factor when it comes to getting higher rankings in search engines. In fact, Google gives priority to websites that load quickly over those that take too long. Suppose your SaaS company’s website takes too long to load. In that case, your users will likely leave the page and look for another solution. This means you’ll lose the chance of converting them into customers or leads.

To ensure this doesn’t happen, invest in better and faster web hosting services today. A good host should be able to provide unlimited bandwidth so your pages can load faster without receiving any warning from Google about using up all available resources on their servers.

9. Pay Attention to Mobile UX

Mobile UX is a serious concern for all SaaS companies, but it’s especially important for your online customers. If you ignore mobile UX, you risk losing lots of potential leads and sales. Mobile devices are now the preferred way to connect to the internet, accounting for almost half of all web browsing in North America alone. That means that if your site isn’t optimized for mobile users, they might not even be able to find their way back after visiting once—and that could mean the death of your company!

You need a mobile-friendly website if you want people to stay on yours instead of switching over to another service provider’s page in order to log into their account or buy one of your products or services. If visitors can’t navigate smoothly through all pages because these pages aren’t designed correctly, then they’ll leave quickly.

10. Expand Keyword Research Efforts

If you want to improve organic traffic, you need to expand your keyword research efforts.

  • Expand to Include Long-Tail Keywords: Long-tail keywords are the ideal way to improve organic traffic. They are more specific and less competitive than short-term keywords, making it easier for you to rank on them.
  • Expand to Include Related Keywords: Related keywords will help your SEO because they play a vital role in providing context for a search query. This can help increase click-through rates and encourage people who read about one topic (let’s say “SaaS companies”) to click on other articles that might interest them (like “how SaaS companies make money”).
  • Expand your List of Popular Search Queries: Check out what those frequently searched queries are using Google Trends or another tool like SEMrush so that you have an idea of what terms people are looking up when they go online. You might even find some hidden gems there.

SaaS Companies Have Unique Marketing Challenges, But These Tips Will Help Any Company Improve Its Organic Traffic

When it comes to getting the word out about your business and improving organic traffic, there are many things that you can do. Your business model will determine how effective some of these strategies are for you. 

For example, if you are a B2B SaaS company with a high price point and an enterprise sales strategy in place, then SEO is going to be more effective than social media marketing. But even if SEO isn’t your primary goal or if it isn’t particularly useful for what you’re doing right now, these tips still hold true for any company looking at ways to improve their organic traffic.

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